人間失格 (新潮文庫 (た-2-5))
太宰 治
ISBN: 4101006059
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権太の既読 :
えりたん*修行中 :
Dear Hiring Committee,
I am interested in any current remote work opportunities within your renowned company.
I have recently graduated from Montclair State University with a Bachelor of Science in Business and IT, with a focus in Business Intelligence, Digital Marketing, and Web Analytics. With a strong foundation in data visualization using Tableau and a passion for leveraging technology to drive business success, I am enthusiastic to bring my skills to your team.
I am confident that my academic credentials and practical experience make me a strong candidate for a position within your organization.
Please find my resume at the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F7I9Q8yucrnUjzLDEbCDiCt-OMRbp524/view?usp=sharing
I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can support your team. If you are not the appropriate person to review this message, please forward my application to the appropriate person who can evaluate my credentials to create value for the organization.
Thank you for taking the time to review my application. If you prefer not to receive further emails from me, kindly reply and indicate so.
Chidozie Nnagbo
410 504 7939
Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these offers: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdx-LI-ETiB-g37_ijIRHfBNhu__c-Go1dyOyZ_zU_pgeYTEg/viewform?usp=sf_link
4236 Timberbrook Lane, Albany, New York, USA, 82939
他の本棚 |
yoosee, 膝小僧, sumikawa, しぃー, lindenbaum, Koji, DJRIVAL, reservoir, min*, ピヨ, withoutgas, ほととぎす, rui, 5年生, ひろき@等々力609, tou, Ken5, lepps, monokuro, 死兆星, のん, KT, kanapon, tanaka, you-me-go, tomuyankun15, a5hr, messe, 灰原 ソノエ, 夏季休暇中, 息子, ケイジ, james, nyo, とかげ, yujiorama, anne, simple, はまもと, 凹の小説, 僕の自動洗濯機, 権太の既読, 6期生, yasunari, gm333, yutayuta, libido, mi.f, マッキー, 人造人間A, 202, kishca, grassbon, tattun, evu, urchin, Такэроу, コトノハ, 文集「4台のピアノ」, takchabo, kazuna, toyokatsu, こゆ, Nay's bookshelf, F家(その他), 新潮文庫の100冊 2008, tricot, smith, かまどうま, がこび3/日本文学(ノンフィクションも), kojiad., riverside, 19750708, りりぃ, musao3, nobuo_o, drobune, えりたん*修行中
最終更新 : 2005-10-09 22:23:38 +0900
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