[ { "title" : "Plans and Situated Actions: The Problem of Human-Machine Communication (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives)", "isbn" : "0521337399", "date" : "2004-09-14T00:12:16.000Z", "publisher" : "Cambridge University Press", "authors" : "Lucy A. Suchman", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "0684849143, 0743235916, 0684803534" }, { "title" : "The Invisible Computer: Why Good Products Can Fail, the Personal Computer Is So Complex, and Information Appliances Are the Solution", "isbn" : "0262140659", "date" : "2004-09-14T00:13:47.000Z", "publisher" : "The MIT Press", "authors" : "Donald A. Norman", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Where the Action Is: The Foundations of Embodied Interaction (Bradford Books)", "isbn" : "0262041960", "date" : "2004-09-14T00:04:34.000Z", "publisher" : "The MIT Press", "authors" : "Paul Dourish", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Call of the Mall: The Geography of Shopping by the Author of Why We Buy", "isbn" : "0743235916", "date" : "2004-09-14T00:13:44.000Z", "publisher" : "Simon \u0026 Schuster", "authors" : "Paco Underhill", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "なぜこの店で買ってしまうのか―ショッピングの科学", "isbn" : "4152083352", "date" : "2004-09-14T00:14:55.000Z", "publisher" : "早川書房", "authors" : "パコ アンダーヒル", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "なぜITは社会を変えないのか", "isbn" : "4532149312", "date" : "2004-09-14T00:08:42.000Z", "publisher" : "日本経済新聞社", "authors" : "ジョン・シーリー ブラウン, ポール ドゥグッド", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" } ]