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  "title" : "入門Unixオペレーティングシステム",
  "isbn" : "4873111056",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:21.000Z",
  "publisher" : "オライリージャパン",
  "authors" : "ジェリー ピーク, ジョン ストラング, グレース トディノ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "分散オペレーティングシステム",
  "isbn" : "4894712326",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:22.000Z",
  "publisher" : "ピアソン・エデュケーション",
  "authors" : "A.S.タネンバウム",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "現代オペレーティングシステムの基礎",
  "isbn" : "4274128407",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:22.000Z",
  "publisher" : "オーム社",
  "authors" : "萩原 宏, 津田 孝夫, 大久保 英嗣",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "多重仮想記憶オペレーティングシステム (図解コンピュータシリーズ)",
  "isbn" : "4274071707",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:22.000Z",
  "publisher" : "オーム社",
  "authors" : "鎌田 肇",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "オペレーティングシステム―設計と理論およびMINIXによる実装",
  "isbn" : "4894710471",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:22.000Z",
  "publisher" : "ピアソン・エデュケーション",
  "authors" : "A.S. タネンバウム, A.S. ウットハル",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "岩波講座 ソフトウェア科学〈〔環境〕6〉オペレーティングシステム",
  "isbn" : "4000103466",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:29:07.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "前川 守",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : "日本語の大部な教科書. "
  "title" : "オペレーティングシステム (情報系教科書シリーズ)",
  "isbn" : "4785620439",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:23.000Z",
  "publisher" : "昭晃堂",
  "authors" : "谷口 秀夫",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "AIX―オペレーティングシステムの概念と上級システム管理 (Ascii books)",
  "isbn" : "4756139124",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:23.000Z",
  "publisher" : "アスキー",
  "authors" : "古寺 雅弘, 日本アイビーエム, 日本IBM=",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "分散オペレーティングシステム",
  "isbn" : "4931356214",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:23.000Z",
  "publisher" : "プレンティスホール出版",
  "authors" : "アンドリュー・S. タネンバウム",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "インサイドJavaOSオペレーティングシステム",
  "isbn" : "4894711567",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:23.000Z",
  "publisher" : "ピアソンエデュケーション",
  "authors" : "トム サルポー, チャールズ ミロ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "オペレーティングシステム (情報処理入門コース 2)",
  "isbn" : "4000078526",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:23.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "清水 謙多郎",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "入門 UNIXオペレーティングシステム",
  "isbn" : "4900900842",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:23.000Z",
  "publisher" : "オライリー・ジャパン",
  "authors" : "ジェリー ピーク, ジョン ストラング, グレース トディノ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "HOW TO MS‐DOS―絵で見るオペレーティングシステム (マイコンテクニカルブックス)",
  "isbn" : "4885541794",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:23.000Z",
  "publisher" : "電波新聞社",
  "authors" : "",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "分散オペレーティングシステム―UNIXの次にくるもの",
  "isbn" : "4320025709",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:13:24.000Z",
  "publisher" : "共立出版",
  "authors" : "",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Operating System Concepts",
  "isbn" : "0471694665",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:25:28.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Wiley",
  "authors" : "Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : "大部な名著です.このページ数でこの値段は,売れているからでしょう.古典的な話題を網羅しており,2005年1月発行のSeventh Editionが最新版。\r\n([[ 田浦]])"
  "title" : "Modern Operating Systems",
  "isbn" : "0130926418",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:27:46.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Prentice Hall",
  "authors" : "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : "古典的な話と,分散システムの話を広くカバーしている "
  "title" : "Modern Operating Systems",
  "isbn" : "0135881870",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:28:40.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Prentice Hall",
  "authors" : "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : "Minixという小さなOSを,ソースコードを掲載しながら細部まで説明している."
  "title" : "オぺレーティングシステム (IT Text)",
  "isbn" : "4274132501",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:29:39.000Z",
  "publisher" : "オーム社",
  "authors" : "野口 健一郎",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : "薄めの要点解説的な教科書."
  "title" : "プロフェショナルBSD (ASCII SOFTWARE SCIENCE Operating System)",
  "isbn" : "4756137504",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:31:06.000Z",
  "publisher" : "アスキー",
  "authors" : "砂原 秀樹, 植原 啓介, 石井 秀治, 林 周志",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Operating System Concepts (Windows Xp Update)",
  "isbn" : "0471250600",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:31:19.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Wiley",
  "authors" : "Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne, Peter B. Galvin",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Operating Systems: Design And Implementation (2nd Edition)",
  "isbn" : "0136386776",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:31:30.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Prentice Hall",
  "authors" : "Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Albert S. Woodhull",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Operating System Design: The XINU Approach, Volume 1,  PC Edition (Prentice-Hall Software Series)",
  "isbn" : "0136381804",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:31:40.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Prentice Hall",
  "authors" : "Douglas E. Comer",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Understanding Operating Systems",
  "isbn" : "0534376665",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:31:49.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Brooks/Cole Pub Co",
  "authors" : "Ida M. Flynn, Ann McIver McHoes",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System (Addison-Wesley UNIX and Open Systems Series)",
  "isbn" : "0201549794",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:32:15.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Addison-Wesley Professional",
  "authors" : "Marshall Kirk McKusick, Keith Bostic, Michael J. Karels, John S. Quarterman",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Operating Systems: Design And Implementation (International Edition)",
  "isbn" : "0136301959",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:32:26.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Prentice-Hall",
  "authors" : "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Advanced Concepts In Operating Systems (Mcgraw-Hill Series in Computer Science)",
  "isbn" : "007057572X",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:32:48.000Z",
  "publisher" : "McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math",
  "authors" : "Mukesh Singhal, Niranjan Shivaratri",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Programming the Be Operating System",
  "isbn" : "1565924673",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:33:01.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Oreilly \u0026 Associates Inc",
  "authors" : "Dan Parks Sydow",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Distributed Operating Systems and Algorithm Analysis",
  "isbn" : "0201498383",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:33:16.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Addison Wesley",
  "authors" : "Randy Chow, Theodore Johnson",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Operating Systems: Design and Implementations",
  "isbn" : "0136373313",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:33:30.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Prentice Hall",
  "authors" : "Andrew S. Tanebaum",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Modern Operating Systems (2nd Edition) (GOAL Series)",
  "isbn" : "0130313580",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T01:33:52.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Prentice Hall",
  "authors" : "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Classic Operating Systems: From Batch Processing to Distributed Systems",
  "isbn" : "038795113X",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T02:12:52.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Springer",
  "authors" : "",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Operating System Principles (Prentice-Hall Series in Automatic Computation)",
  "isbn" : "0136378439",
  "date" : "2009-05-26T02:11:44.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Prentice Hall",
  "authors" : "Per Brinch Hansen",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""