[ { "title" : "Yの悲劇 (創元推理文庫 104-2)", "isbn" : "4488104029", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:08:56.000Z", "publisher" : "東京創元社", "authors" : "エラリー・クイーン", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "リレーショナルデータベース入門―データモデル・SQL・管理システム (Information\u0026Computing)", "isbn" : "4781910246", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:08:53.000Z", "publisher" : "サイエンス社", "authors" : "増永 良文", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Software Security: Building Security In (Addison-Wesley Software Security Series)", "isbn" : "0321356705", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:08:58.000Z", "publisher" : "Addison-Wesley Professional", "authors" : "Gary McGraw", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Linux Kernel Development (2nd Edition) (Novell Press)", "isbn" : "0672327201", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:08:19.000Z", "publisher" : "Novell Press", "authors" : "Robert Love", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "世田谷一家殺人事件―侵入者たちの告白", "isbn" : "4794215029", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:08:42.000Z", "publisher" : "草思社", "authors" : "斉藤 寅", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering", "isbn" : "0764574817", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:09:12.000Z", "publisher" : "Wiley", "authors" : "Eldad Eilam", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction Design", "isbn" : "0764526413", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:08:48.000Z", "publisher" : "Wiley", "authors" : "Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "「心理テスト」はウソでした。 受けたみんなが馬鹿を見た", "isbn" : "4822244466", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:09:06.000Z", "publisher" : "日経BP社", "authors" : "村上 宣寛", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "リアルタイム レンダリング 第2版", "isbn" : "4939007359", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:08:32.000Z", "publisher" : "ボーンデジタル", "authors" : "Tomas Akenine-Moller, Eric Haines", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog(TM) HDL + Xilinx 6.3 Student Edition Package", "isbn" : "0131678442", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:08:14.000Z", "publisher" : "Prentice Hall", "authors" : "Michael D. Ciletti", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "異端の数ゼロ―数学・物理学が恐れるもっとも危険な概念", "isbn" : "415208524X", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:09:15.000Z", "publisher" : "早川書房", "authors" : "チャールズ サイフェ", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Java Concurrency in Practice", "isbn" : "0321349601", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:08:38.000Z", "publisher" : "Addison-Wesley Professional", "authors" : "Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes, Doug Lea", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "C++ Coding Standards―101のルール、ガイドライン、ベストプラクティス (C++ in‐depth series)", "isbn" : "4894716860", "date" : "2006-08-05T12:09:10.000Z", "publisher" : "ピアソンエデュケーション", "authors" : "ハーブ サッター, アンドレイ アレキサンドレスク", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" } ]