[ { "title" : "LightWave 3D 8 パワー・クリエイターズ・ガイド", "isbn" : "4757210590", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:16:11.000Z", "publisher" : "アスペクト", "authors" : "うもと ゆーじ, 佐野 昌己, 丹治 まさみ, 若嶋 伸佳, 羽田 宗春, 河野 真也", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "After Effects and Photoshop―DVと映画のためのアニメーションと合成テクニック", "isbn" : "4939007871", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:18:50.000Z", "publisher" : "ボーンデジタル", "authors" : "Jeff Foster", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "3DCGテクスチャ スーパーテクニック", "isbn" : "4881663488", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:19:11.000Z", "publisher" : "ソーテック社", "authors" : "樋口 誠, 佐々木 勝美, 中嶋 裕之, 望月 昌樹, 藤谷 芳浩, SHINYA", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "LightWave3D Ver.6スーパーテクニックfor Macintosh \u0026 Windows", "isbn" : "4881661523", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:19:04.000Z", "publisher" : "ソーテック社", "authors" : "樋口 誠, 中嶋 裕之", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "ローポリモデリング―3DゲームのためのCG制作入門 (GAME DEVELOPER BOOKS)", "isbn" : "4798006939", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:16:47.000Z", "publisher" : "秀和システム", "authors" : "海賊屋", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "LIGHTWAVEでいこうぜ!", "isbn" : "4893699490", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:19:18.000Z", "publisher" : "ビー・エヌ・エヌ新社", "authors" : "笹原 和也", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Oxide 2x キム・ヒョンテ画集 (Beam comix)", "isbn" : "4757720955", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:16:24.000Z", "publisher" : "エンターブレイン", "authors" : "キム・ヒョンテ", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "LightWave3D Ver.7.0パワー・クリエイターズ・ガイド", "isbn" : "4757208707", "date" : "2006-05-05T23:31:38.000Z", "publisher" : "アスペクト", "authors" : "うもと ゆーじ, 佐野 昌己, わたなべ てつや, 伊勢田 誠治, 丹治 まさみ", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "3ds max スーパーテクニック―バージョン5対応", "isbn" : "4881663402", "date" : "2006-05-05T23:37:18.000Z", "publisher" : "ソーテック社", "authors" : "上田 暁", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "An Atlas of Anatomy for Artists (Dover Anatomy for Artists)", "isbn" : "0486202410", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:18:16.000Z", "publisher" : "Dover Publications", "authors" : "Fritz Schider", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "平成よっぱらい研究所―完全版 (祥伝社コミック文庫)", "isbn" : "4396380135", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:15:14.000Z", "publisher" : "祥伝社", "authors" : "二ノ宮 知子", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "〈digital〉LIGHTING \u0026 RENDERING", "isbn" : "4939007251", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:17:52.000Z", "publisher" : "ボーンデジタル", "authors" : "Jeremy Birn, 西井 育生", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "3D TEXTURE LIBRARY", "isbn" : "4274079082", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:17:18.000Z", "publisher" : "オーム社", "authors" : "伊勢田 誠治, 成 光雄, 沖 孝智, Rey.Hori", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "攻殻機動隊絵コンテ集", "isbn" : "4873761476", "date" : "2006-05-05T23:19:58.000Z", "publisher" : "キネマ旬報社", "authors" : "士郎 正宗", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "3DCG萌えキャラ工房", "isbn" : "4798011304", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:16:35.000Z", "publisher" : "秀和システム", "authors" : "高屋 智之, 第三次アニ研, PROPER, タルタル", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "After Effects Standard Techniques―Motion Typography+Composition", "isbn" : "4861001625", "date" : "2006-05-05T13:18:42.000Z", "publisher" : "ビー・エヌ・エヌ新社", "authors" : "石坂 敦, 笠原 淳子, 大河原 浩一, 繁延 あづさ", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" } ]