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  "title" : "ANSI Common Lisp (スタンダードテキスト)",
  "isbn" : "4894714337",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:21:32.000Z",
  "publisher" : "ピアソンエデュケーション",
  "authors" : "ポール グレアム",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "LISP入門 (電子計算機のプログラミング 7)",
  "isbn" : "4563007528",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:21:36.000Z",
  "publisher" : "培風館",
  "authors" : "黒川 利明",
  "categories" : "Old Lisper",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "DNAコンピュータ",
  "isbn" : "4563015490",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T18:07:57.000Z",
  "publisher" : "培風館",
  "authors" : "",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp: A Programmer's Guide to CLOS",
  "isbn" : "0201175894",
  "date" : "2005-05-04T12:58:48.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Addison-Wesley Professional",
  "authors" : "Sonya E. Keene",
  "categories" : "CLOS",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "論理学をつくる",
  "isbn" : "4815803900",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T18:43:45.000Z",
  "publisher" : "名古屋大学出版会",
  "authors" : "戸田山 和久",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "LISP (情報処理シリーズ (4))",
  "isbn" : "4563007846",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:21:38.000Z",
  "publisher" : "培風館",
  "authors" : "P.H.ウィンストン, B.K.P.ホーン",
  "categories" : "Old Lisper",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Programming Common Lisp Object System***",
  "isbn" : "0137352832",
  "date" : "2005-05-04T12:58:50.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Longman Higher Education",
  "authors" : "LAWLESS MILLER",
  "categories" : "CLOS",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "モデルと表現 (岩波講座 ソフトウェア科学)",
  "isbn" : "4000103571",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:56:56.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "米沢 明憲, 柴山 悦哉",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Common Lispハンドブック (岩波コンピュータサイエンス)",
  "isbn" : "4000076906",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:21:28.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Common LISP―Common LISP言語仕様書",
  "isbn" : "4320022718",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:21:26.000Z",
  "publisher" : "共立出版",
  "authors" : "Guy L.,Jr. Steele",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "ファインマン計算機科学",
  "isbn" : "4000059416",
  "date" : "2005-05-06T19:30:48.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "ファインマン, A.ヘイ, R.アレン",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : "\"ご冗談でしょう?\"ファインマンさんの講義録。\u003cbr\u003e\n3-3章 FSMによる「括弧対応検査器」がなんとなくLispっぽい(笑)\u003cbr\u003e\n"
  "title" : "COMMON LISP 第2版",
  "isbn" : "4320025881",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:21:24.000Z",
  "publisher" : "共立出版",
  "authors" : "Guy L.Steele Jr.",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "GNU Emacs Lisp リファレンス・マニュアル",
  "isbn" : "4924828394",
  "date" : "2005-05-07T16:59:42.000Z",
  "publisher" : "透土社",
  "authors" : "Bil Lewis, Richard Stallman, Dan LaLiberte, the GNU Manual Group",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : "M-X info↓ m emacs↓だけじゃ気が済まない時代もあった"
  "title" : "初めての人のためのLISP (ソフトウェアライブラリ (3))",
  "isbn" : "4781904548",
  "date" : "2005-05-07T01:28:37.000Z",
  "publisher" : "サイエンス社",
  "authors" : "竹内 郁雄",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "計算論 計算可能性とラムダ計算 (コンピュータサイエンス大学講座)",
  "isbn" : "4764901846",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:42:04.000Z",
  "publisher" : "近代科学社",
  "authors" : "高橋 正子",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "LISPマシン・プログラミング技法 (Computation \u0026 software science)",
  "isbn" : "4895013634",
  "date" : "2005-05-04T13:01:37.000Z",
  "publisher" : "マグロウヒル出版",
  "authors" : "ハンク ブロムリー, リチャード ラムソン",
  "categories" : "CLOS",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "ABCL: An Object-Oriented Concurrent System (Computer Systems Series)",
  "isbn" : "0262240297",
  "date" : "2005-05-04T13:07:51.000Z",
  "publisher" : "The MIT Press",
  "authors" : "",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "GNU Emacs Lisp Manual―Version 18 2nd DRAFT",
  "isbn" : "4938704021",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:21:44.000Z",
  "publisher" : "ビレッジセンター出版局",
  "authors" : "Free Software Foundation",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "岩波講座 ソフトウェア科学〈〔理論〕13〉プログラムの基礎理論",
  "isbn" : "4000103539",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:56:54.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "佐藤 雅彦, 桜井 貴文",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "ファインマン・プロセッサ―夢の量子コンピュータ",
  "isbn" : "4000059491",
  "date" : "2005-05-11T03:44:27.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "G. ミルバーン",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Common Lisp 入門 (岩波コンピュータサイエンス)",
  "isbn" : "400007685X",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:21:30.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "湯浅 太一, 萩谷 昌己",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "GNU Emacsマニュアル",
  "isbn" : "4320024141",
  "date" : "2005-05-07T17:00:13.000Z",
  "publisher" : "共立出版",
  "authors" : "Richard Stallman",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "岩波講座 ソフトウェア科学〈〔理論〕12〉計算モデルの基礎理論",
  "isbn" : "4000103520",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:56:52.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "井田 哲雄",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "LISP〈1〉 (情報処理シリーズ)",
  "isbn" : "4563014648",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:21:40.000Z",
  "publisher" : "培風館",
  "authors" : "P.H. ウィンストン, B.K.P. ホーン",
  "categories" : "Old Lisper",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "思考する機械コンピュータ (サイエンス・マスターズ)",
  "isbn" : "4794209924",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:32:43.000Z",
  "publisher" : "草思社",
  "authors" : "ダニエル ヒリス",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "ソフトウェア科学のための論理学 (岩波講座 ソフトウェア科学)",
  "isbn" : "4000103512",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:56:50.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "萩谷 昌己",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Object-Oriented Programming: The CLOS Perspective",
  "isbn" : "0262161362",
  "date" : "2005-05-04T12:58:47.000Z",
  "publisher" : "The MIT Press",
  "authors" : "",
  "categories" : "CLOS",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "岩波講座 ソフトウェア科学〈〔処理〕8〉記号処理プログラミング",
  "isbn" : "4000103482",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:56:45.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "後藤 滋樹",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Lisp入門―システムとプログラミング (コンピュータサイエンス大学講座)",
  "isbn" : "4764901072",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:21:34.000Z",
  "publisher" : "近代科学社",
  "authors" : "中西 正和",
  "categories" : "Old Lisper",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "GNU Emacs拡張ガイド―Emacs Lispプログラミング",
  "isbn" : "4900900192",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:21:45.000Z",
  "publisher" : "オライリー・ジャパン",
  "authors" : "ボブ グリックステイン",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "LISP〈2〉 (情報処理シリーズ)",
  "isbn" : "4563014656",
  "date" : "2005-05-02T17:21:42.000Z",
  "publisher" : "培風館",
  "authors" : "P.H. ウィンストン, B.K.P. ホーン",
  "categories" : "Old Lisper",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""