[ { "title" : "Microsoft WDMプログラミング―WindowsXP対応 (Microsoft Programming Series)", "isbn" : "4756139132", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:25:24.000Z", "publisher" : "アスキー", "authors" : "ウォルター オネイ", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Accessで学ぶSQL実践のツボ―2000/2002対応", "isbn" : "4901676253", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:25:12.000Z", "publisher" : "九天社", "authors" : "高橋 良明", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Visual C++プログラマのためのCOM入門―はじめるWindowsシステムプログラミング (DeV selection)", "isbn" : "4881357557", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:18:21.000Z", "publisher" : "翔泳社", "authors" : "豊田 孝", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation (The Interactive 3d Technology Series)", "isbn" : "012553180X", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:24:56.000Z", "publisher" : "Morgan Kaufmann", "authors" : "Matt Pharr, Greg Humphreys", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "となりのトトロ スタジオジブリ絵コンテ全集〈3〉", "isbn" : "4198613788", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:25:18.000Z", "publisher" : "徳間書店", "authors" : "宮崎 駿", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C (Systems Programming Series)", "isbn" : "0201848406", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:25:14.000Z", "publisher" : "Addison-Wesley Professional", "authors" : "James D. van Dam, Andries Feiner, Steven K. Hughes, John F. Foley", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "GPU gems―リアルタイムグラフィックスのプログラミングテクニッ", "isbn" : "4939007693", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:18:29.000Z", "publisher" : "ボーンデジタル", "authors" : "Randima Fernando, 中本 浩", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "オイスター・ボーイの憂鬱な死", "isbn" : "430990291X", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:25:01.000Z", "publisher" : "アップリンク", "authors" : "ティム・バートン", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "CPUの創りかた", "isbn" : "4839909865", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:18:19.000Z", "publisher" : "毎日コミュニケーションズ", "authors" : "渡波 郁", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Zopeガイド", "isbn" : "4839907900", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:18:27.000Z", "publisher" : "毎日コミュニケーションズ", "authors" : "安田 幸弘", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "C++の設計と進化", "isbn" : "4797328541", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:18:31.000Z", "publisher" : "ソフトバンククリエイティブ", "authors" : "Bjarne Stroustrup, ビョーン ストラウストラップ", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "C#によるプログラミングWindows 上 (マイクロソフト公式解説書)", "isbn" : "4891002921", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:24:58.000Z", "publisher" : "日経BPソフトプレス", "authors" : "Charles Petzold", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "コアJava2〈Vol.2〉応用編 (サンソフトプレスシリーズ)", "isbn" : "4756136699", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:16:17.000Z", "publisher" : "アスキー", "authors" : "ケイ・S. ホーストマン, ゲイリー コーネル", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "AfterEffectsモーション・タイポグラフィ講座", "isbn" : "4766111737", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:25:22.000Z", "publisher" : "グラフィック社", "authors" : "ニック スミス", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "コアJava2 (Vol.1) (サンソフトプレスシリーズ)", "isbn" : "4756133215", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:16:20.000Z", "publisher" : "アスキー", "authors" : "Cay S.Horstmann, Gary Cornell", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" }, { "title" : "Boost C++ Libraryプログラミング", "isbn" : "4798007862", "date" : "2005-03-01T06:18:23.000Z", "publisher" : "秀和システム", "authors" : "稲葉 一浩", "categories" : "", "score" : "", "comment" : "" } ]