

書籍追加 | 本棚情報変更 | 名前変更/本棚削除 | ヘルプ | ランダム



  "title" : "ライフゲイムの宇宙",
  "isbn" : "4535781745",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:31:26.000Z",
  "publisher" : "日本評論社",
  "authors" : "ウィリアム パウンドストーン",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "モモ―時間どろぼうとぬすまれた時間を人間にかえしてくれた女の子のふしぎな物語 (岩波少年少女の本 37)",
  "isbn" : "4001106876",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:01:07.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "ミヒャエル・エンデ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "ゲーデル,エッシャー,バッハ―あるいは不思議の環",
  "isbn" : "4826900252",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T15:22:07.000Z",
  "publisher" : "白揚社",
  "authors" : "野崎 昭弘, はやし はじめ, 柳瀬 尚紀",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "時間旅行者のための基礎知識",
  "isbn" : "479421233X",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:51:20.000Z",
  "publisher" : "草思社",
  "authors" : "J・リチャード・ゴット",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Animal Farm (Signet Classics)",
  "isbn" : "0451526341",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:19:14.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Signet Classics",
  "authors" : "George Orwell",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "The Two Towers: The Lord of the Rings, Part 2",
  "isbn" : "0261102362",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:15:06.000Z",
  "publisher" : "HarperCollins Publishers Ltd",
  "authors" : "J. R. R. Tolkien",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "偶然と必然―現代生物学の思想的な問いかけ",
  "isbn" : "4622004283",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:31:35.000Z",
  "publisher" : "みすず書房",
  "authors" : "ジャック・モノー",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "見知らぬ島への扉",
  "isbn" : "4901142623",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:35:28.000Z",
  "publisher" : "アーティストハウス",
  "authors" : "ジョゼ サラマーゴ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "さびしい王様 (新潮文庫)",
  "isbn" : "4101131244",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:11:45.000Z",
  "publisher" : "新潮社",
  "authors" : "北 杜夫",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "ボッコちゃん (新潮文庫)",
  "isbn" : "4101098018",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:13:20.000Z",
  "publisher" : "新潮社",
  "authors" : "星 新一",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Moon Palace",
  "isbn" : "0571142206",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:30:33.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Faber and Faber",
  "authors" : "Paul Auster",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "チェブラーシカ (ピクチャー・フレンズ)",
  "isbn" : "4939102254",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:31:05.000Z",
  "publisher" : "プチグラパブリッシング",
  "authors" : "",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "てぶくろ―ウクライナ民話 (世界傑作絵本シリーズ―ロシアの絵本)",
  "isbn" : "4834000508",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:57:21.000Z",
  "publisher" : "福音館書店",
  "authors" : "",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "The Art of Worldly Wisdom (Shambhala Classics)",
  "isbn" : "1570627452",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:30:52.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Shambhala",
  "authors" : "Baltasar Gracian",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "冒険者たち――ガンバと十五ひきの仲間",
  "isbn" : "4001105276",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T15:59:57.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "斎藤 惇夫",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "生物のからだはどう複雑化したか (ゲノムから進化を考える (3))",
  "isbn" : "4000066285",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:40:10.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "団 まりな",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "The Little House",
  "isbn" : "039525938X",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T15:50:34.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Sandpiper",
  "authors" : "Virginia Lee Burton",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Anne's House of Dreams (Anne of Green Gables)",
  "isbn" : "0553213180",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:17:50.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Starfire",
  "authors" : "L.M. Montgomery",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "基本アラビア語入門",
  "isbn" : "4475018528",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:54:57.000Z",
  "publisher" : "大学書林",
  "authors" : "奴田原 睦明",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Passage",
  "isbn" : "0553580515",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T17:01:11.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Bantam",
  "authors" : "Connie Willis",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "考える「もの」たち―MITメディア・ラボが描く未来",
  "isbn" : "4620314218",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:31:59.000Z",
  "publisher" : "毎日新聞社",
  "authors" : "ニール ガーシェンフェルド",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "新明解国語辞典",
  "isbn" : "438513099X",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:45:03.000Z",
  "publisher" : "三省堂",
  "authors" : "",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "恋愛対位法 上 (岩波文庫 赤 259-1)",
  "isbn" : "4003225910",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:18:39.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "ハックスリ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "ぐりとぐらとくるりくら (こどものとも傑作集―ぐりとぐらの絵本)",
  "isbn" : "4834010759",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:04:12.000Z",
  "publisher" : "福音館書店",
  "authors" : "なかがわ りえこ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "くまの子ウーフ (くまの子ウーフの童話集)",
  "isbn" : "4591069478",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:50:38.000Z",
  "publisher" : "ポプラ社",
  "authors" : "神沢 利子",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "一万年の旅路―ネイティヴ・アメリカンの口承史",
  "isbn" : "4881356070",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:25:39.000Z",
  "publisher" : "翔泳社",
  "authors" : "ポーラ アンダーウッド",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "スワン家の方へ 1 失われた時を求めて(1) 第1篇 (失われた時を求めて)",
  "isbn" : "4081440018",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:23:52.000Z",
  "publisher" : "集英社",
  "authors" : "マルセル・マルセル・プルースト, マルセル・プルースト",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "クヌース先生のプログラム論",
  "isbn" : "4320025466",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:27:57.000Z",
  "publisher" : "共立出版",
  "authors" : "",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "北杜夫全集 第4巻 楡家の人びと",
  "isbn" : "4106411040",
  "date" : "2005-03-31T03:47:03.000Z",
  "publisher" : "新潮社",
  "authors" : "北 杜夫",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "飛ぶ教室 (偕成社文庫 (3050))",
  "isbn" : "4036505009",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:05:08.000Z",
  "publisher" : "偕成社",
  "authors" : "エーリヒ=ケストナー",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "灯台へ (岩波文庫)",
  "isbn" : "4003229118",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:58:35.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "ヴァージニア ウルフ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "はてしない物語 (エンデの傑作ファンタジー)",
  "isbn" : "4001109816",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:07:01.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "ミヒャエル・エンデ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "異邦人 (新潮文庫)",
  "isbn" : "4102114017",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:09:08.000Z",
  "publisher" : "新潮社",
  "authors" : "カミュ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "ねじまき鳥クロニクル〈第1部〉泥棒かささぎ編",
  "isbn" : "4103534036",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:24:52.000Z",
  "publisher" : "新潮社",
  "authors" : "村上 春樹",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "不思議の国のアリス (角川文庫クラシックス)",
  "isbn" : "4042118011",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:54:03.000Z",
  "publisher" : "角川書店",
  "authors" : "ルイス・キャロル",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "どろんこハリー (世界傑作絵本シリーズ―アメリカの絵本)",
  "isbn" : "4834000206",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:57:09.000Z",
  "publisher" : "福音館書店",
  "authors" : "ジーン・ジオン",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "マッチ箱の脳(AI)―使える人工知能のお話",
  "isbn" : "4883170802",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:26:19.000Z",
  "publisher" : "新紀元社",
  "authors" : "森川 幸人",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "コンピュータと認知を理解する―人工知能の限界と新しい設計理念",
  "isbn" : "478285126X",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:31:43.000Z",
  "publisher" : "産業図書",
  "authors" : "テリー ウィノグラード, フェルナンド フローレス",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "おおきなかぶ―ロシア民話(こどものとも絵本)",
  "isbn" : "4834000621",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:46:03.000Z",
  "publisher" : "福音館書店",
  "authors" : "A.トルストイ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "フーコーの振り子〈上〉",
  "isbn" : "4163137807",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:25:17.000Z",
  "publisher" : "文藝春秋",
  "authors" : "ウンベルト エーコ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "カラーイメージスケール",
  "isbn" : "4062044935",
  "date" : "2005-03-31T03:46:58.000Z",
  "publisher" : "講談社",
  "authors" : "小林 重順",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "白痴 (上巻) (新潮文庫)",
  "isbn" : "4102010033",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:34:39.000Z",
  "publisher" : "新潮社",
  "authors" : "ドストエフスキー",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Animal Farm (Signet classics)",
  "isbn" : "0451524667",
  "date" : "2005-03-31T03:53:30.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Signet Classics",
  "authors" : "George Orwell, C. M. Woodhouse",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "ヨセフとその兄弟 1",
  "isbn" : "4480830685",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:26:12.000Z",
  "publisher" : "筑摩書房",
  "authors" : "トーマス・マン",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "22世紀への手紙―生命・情報・夢",
  "isbn" : "4757120621",
  "date" : "2005-03-31T03:47:01.000Z",
  "publisher" : "NTT出版",
  "authors" : "東倉 洋一, 小泉 英明, ロドニー ブルックス, 中村 桂子, 相川 清明, 天野 成昭",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "つながりの科学―パーコレーション (ポピュラー・サイエンス)",
  "isbn" : "4785387165",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T17:05:32.000Z",
  "publisher" : "裳華房",
  "authors" : "小田垣 孝",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "世界の終りとハードボイルド・ワンダーランド〈下〉 (新潮文庫)",
  "isbn" : "4101001359",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:07:56.000Z",
  "publisher" : "新潮社",
  "authors" : "村上 春樹",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "ライオンと魔女(ナルニア国ものがたり(1))",
  "isbn" : "4001150212",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:04:44.000Z",
  "publisher" : "岩波書店",
  "authors" : "C.S. ルイス",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Little House in the Big Woods",
  "isbn" : "0064400018",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:06:43.000Z",
  "publisher" : "HarperCollins",
  "authors" : "Laura Ingalls Wilder",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "1984 (Signet Classics)",
  "isbn" : "0451524934",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:19:22.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Signet Classics",
  "authors" : "George Orwell",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "The Invisible Touch: The Four Keys to Modern Marketing",
  "isbn" : "1587990679",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:40:30.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Texere Publishing",
  "authors" : "Harry Beckwith",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "海からの贈物 (新潮文庫)",
  "isbn" : "4102046011",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T16:58:19.000Z",
  "publisher" : "新潮社",
  "authors" : "アン・モロウ・リンドバーグ",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Clifford, the Big Red Dog (Clifford the Big Red Dog)",
  "isbn" : "059044297X",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T15:57:53.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Scholastic Trade",
  "authors" : "Norman Bridwell",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life",
  "isbn" : "068482471X",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T15:35:39.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Simon \u0026 Schuster",
  "authors" : "Daniel C. Dennett",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "砂の妖精 (福音館文庫 古典童話)",
  "isbn" : "4834018032",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T17:00:15.000Z",
  "publisher" : "福音館書店",
  "authors" : "イーディス ネズビット",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""
  "title" : "Katy and the Big Snow",
  "isbn" : "0395185629",
  "date" : "2005-01-25T15:55:50.000Z",
  "publisher" : "Sandpiper",
  "authors" : "Virginia Lee Burton",
  "categories" : "",
  "score" : "",
  "comment" : ""